Sunday, 30 November 2014

Creative writing exercises

Here are some creative writing exercises to try. I knew some of them, but others I didn't and I thought it would like to share them. As with every creative writing exercise, use them to train your writing skills generally or as a kickstart when stuck (see how I try to avoid the dreaded word one does not mention ....otherwise known as writers block.

1. Free writing

This is quite a common creative writing exercise and probably one of the best known. I bet you that was the first creative writing exercise you got taught.

Very simple. Set a time limit (usually 5 or 10 minutes) and start writing. Do not think too much what you are writing, do not stop writing. Just continue with whatever comes in your mind and without looking back at what you have written. Make sure you don't get disturbed!

You can either just start writing straight out, or set a starting sentence.

2. Show don't tell

Of course, every aspiring writer knows the 'show, don't tell' rule. 
Take a simple sentence which 'shows' and try to rewrite it so it 'tells'.

He was very muscular and went to the gym regularly

He was never seen without a gym bag slung over his shoulder, and I always feared for his t-shirts ripping from those biceps. 

She was upset after the argument:

There was no shouting, no stomping up the stairs. But her head turning around quickly and just a quick glimpse of her swelling eyes could not betray her. 


He walked home in the rain:

'How long did it take you to get home? Don't come in here with those wet clothes.'

3. How do you feel

Describe how you feel right now. Listen to your body. Hungry? How does that feel? Tired? Hot?

4. Word association

Chose a random word and write anything which comes in your mind about this word. You could try to simple take a book / newspaper, close your eyes and point at any word.

Sun: weather, holiday, Mallorca, BBQ's, global warming, bikini, skin cancer
Profile : internet, facebook, picture, relationships, old friends

Apart from a few obvious ones, the associations will be very personal to you. For example, if you are not on Facebook, the word Profile may have a very different association for you. I love Mallorca and spend many happy times in the sun there. 

To take this exercise further, take 5 words and write associations. Than, write a short story using those 5 words and some of the associations. 

5. Genre - Place - Time

Chose a genre, a place and a time and write a short story.

Romance - Paris - Christmas
Crime - village - night

6. What if

Imagine 'What if' and write a short story
What if:

...I had been born in India
...trees could talk

7. Superlatives

Think of superlatives and write what comes in your mind:

  • the nastiest person I ever met
  • the most expensive present I have ever given
  • the loneliest person

8. Clothes

Think of an item of clothing or an accessory and write about it.

  • what time period is it from
  • who could have worn it, what was their social standing
  • detailed description of the item

9. Pictures / Painting

Look at a picture or a painting and write whatever comes in your mind about this. It could be pictures of your wedding, holiday pictures, pictures in magazines or famous paintings. It does not need to be the truth!


Take a famous quote (can be from a 'real' person or fictional - movie character) and write a story around it. Again, it does not need to be the truth and a story about the real person. It's more fun to change the story around.

I have a dream (Martin Luther King)
I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse (The Godfather)

11. Box

I open a

  •  box 
  •  email 
  • train door

Continue the story. 

12. Being Angry

Imagine being really angry with a non-living object and describe why and how it feels and write the dialogue.

  • washing machine broke
  • train delayed

Now do the same with a person / animal. 

13. Synesthesia 

Mix senses, perceptions and feelings and write about it.

  • how does love taste
  • what colour is silence
  • where does anguish exist
  • what language does bereavement speak


14. All your senses

Take an object, engage all your senses to describe the object and write anything that comes in your mind about this object.

  • a pen (what colour. how does it smell, where/when does it make, how can it be used, how would I use it, does it have the power to change things...)

15. Explosives

Use the following formula to write a story.

  1. Place
  2. Invent a person who would usually be at this place and describe this person and why he/she would be there
  3. Invent a second person, 2+3 start talking (why? do they know each other or not?)
  4. Something explosive happens (bomb? shouting argument? car accident? window brakes?)
  5. How do 2+3 react to 4. Are they connected to the incident or not? 

16. Listen listen listen

At last, another exercise aspiring writers will be familiar with. Just listen to what you hear right now and make notes of it - can you use any of it? Construct a story? Write a dialogue?

  • TV show / or news
  • people on a train or on the table next to you in the coffee shop - listen in to their conversation (Ok, just make sure they don't feel like you are stalking them - keep the listening in to a minimum :)
  • if you are sitting at home and all is quiet --- is it really? Traffic noise outside? Animals?

Adapted from following website:

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Reasons to write your life story

Thinking of writing an autobiography? Your life story?

Let's  think about the reasons for embarking on such project. 

1. Something for your family / friends to remember you

This is probably one of the commonest reasons. Maybe your family has even ask you to write your life story down. And/or you feel that you have something interesting to tell. 

Just imagine if you could read a book / life story written by your grandmother. I would love to read something like that. 

2. To remember a special time or special person in your life

Maybe you grew up or lived in abroad and would like to tell your experience. Or when were in Uni, or moved out, bought your first house etc. 

Maybe you would like to write about a special person in your life (alive or deceased) who meant a lot to you, this could be a life partner, a child, a parent, a friend.

3. You like writing 

You always liked writing, and this may be a good starting point. Write about the subject you know - yourself.

4.  Writing about a particular period in history

Wartime stories are usually very popular. For me this was probably the deciding factor in starting to write. I grew up in East Germany and was in Berlin the night the wall fell. The country of East Germany does not exist any more and my children will never experience it. I feel I would like to preserve a bit to them.  

5. Geneology

You have probably seen the popular TV programs (Who do you think you are) and genealogy is an increasingly common pastime. Maybe that has inspired you to write about something you discovered. And anyone who ever dabbled in genealogy knows that there is always something to be discovered. 

6. A business story

Not too common and I came across this whilst doing some research for this post. Either you have your own business, or are a partner and employee and want to write the story of your business or have been asked to write about your business


For me, it is probably a combination of almost all of those (apart from No. 6)


There are probably many more reasons why you may decide to put pen to paper. However, a word of caution. The following two reasons scream danger ... danger ... danger

1. Revenge

Husband had an affair and you want to set the record straight? Your friend betrayed you, family money problems over a bereavement.... the reasons are varied as to why you might feel upset and angry with certain people in your life. But careful.... Libel is not only a legal term, but the whole issue could potentially get more and more upsetting. 

2. Money

Ahm, honestly? Unless you are a celebrity, no-one will want to pay to read your life story. Unless you are very lucky and you have something really extraordinary to tell. 

this is, of course, not to say that you should not maybe try to publish your story and who knows... maybe you will sell copies. But money should probably not be your first motivation.